Hyperthermics’ technology will increase the biogas yield from the biomass and increase your biogas plant's capacity.
Hyperthermics' bioactive pre-treatment plant pre-treats the substrate before it enters the biogas reactor. This pre-treatment process provides increased biogas production and can also replace a conventional hygienisation/pasteurization plant.
The process usually takes around 14–30 days, depending on the composition of the substrate. After a few hours of processing at the Hyperthermics plant, the biogas reactor's hydraulic retention time is reduced by several days, again, depending on the substrate. This is a consequence of our unique bacteria cultures and the plant's high working temperature.
What efficiency gains can you expect?
Based on the fractions mix in the incoming biomass and its percentage distribution, we can estimate the biogas production, and calculate the size of the plant and the repayment period.
Bioactive pre-treatment plant – full flow
This setup shows the Hyperthermics reactor as an advanced hygienisation/pasteurisation plant in a biogas plant in which all biomass is hygienised. The Hyperthermics reactor provides 5–25% increased biogas production and the hydraulic retention time in the biogas reactor is reduced by several days.
Bioactive pre-treatment plant – part flow
This setup also shows the Hyperthermics reactor as an advanced hygienisation/pasteurisation plant in a biogas plant. However, here it is just the hygienisable/pasteurisable part of the biomass that is processed and gives an increased gas yield.