ISO certifications necessary for the company's operations and growth

The company's commercialization requires a bigger organization, at the same time as we get more customers and a more extensive network of subcontractors. And we must act in countries that do not have the same legal regulations that we are used to here in Norway.

In this picture, certification according to international standards – ISO - is necessary.

So far, Hyperthermics is certified under ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Management System for the Environment, ISO 45001 Management System for the Working Environment, and  ISO 27001 Information security. 

Per Knut Dimmen, our Senior Designer & Production Manager is responsible for certification and implementation. We ask him what this is about.

- The short version is that these standards tell us how we should act internally and externally, what customers should expect from us in terms of quality and ethics, what demands we should make on subcontractors, and how we should handle our social responsibility.

We need to have this in place when it starts to take off so that all old and new employees are drilled on their responsibilities daily. If you begin in Hyperthermics, this is part of our DNA.

- You said that this is something you never finish?

- Regular audits are made to check that we comply with the standards we are certified to. Being certified is, and must be, absolutely committing.

A reasonable cost

The establishment, implementation, and practice of all these certifications have a price, but for Per Knut Dimmen and the rest of the management team, this is what is called "a cost of income acquisition":

- Credibility in the market will help give us more customers and loyal customers, good routines increase our efficiency, and fewer mistakes and errors (the goal is zero) positively affect the bottom line.

Everything is connected to everything.

The phrase is a well-known truth for most people, but perhaps more so for certifiers than others? Per Knut Dimmen smiles:

- It is when you start working on modifying the requirements of each standard for everyday life in your company that you understand it. It doesn’t take many operations until you have touched all our ISO standards. Look at the listing at the bottom of the article - it gives a good overview.

- A lot to be aware of, in other words?

- I would say the opposite. You work better and more correctly because you see the connections.

Overview of the relevant ISO certifications and their benefits of them:

ISO 9001 Quality system

·       The world's most recognized standard for quality management.’

·       Sets requirements for targeted work with the company's quality system and processes

·       A proof that your company works actively to meet the highest quality and customer satisfaction demands.

The benefits of ISO 9001 certification

·       Achieve increased customer loyalty and increased the repurchase rate by meeting customer requirements and expectations

·       Be able to work smarter and save time, money, and resources

·       Reduce incorrect production and increase profits by improving the company's processes

·       Motivate and engage employees with transparent and efficient internal processes

·       Reduce costs and time to market through more efficient use of corporate resources

 ISO 14001: 2015 Management system for the environment

·       The world's most recognized standard for environmental management.

·       More and more customers expect your company to be able to document that you work systematically to reduce the impact on the environment.

·       With an ISO 14001 certification, you will be able to demonstrate your environmental responsibility and stand out from the competition.

The benefits of certification according to ISO 14001

·       Focus on environmental management and strengthen your business opportunities

·       Cut costs by reducing waste and energy consumption

·       Make your own organization aware of how the company affects the environment

·       Work more efficiently and cut costs

·       Create a lasting competitive advantage and a good reputation

ISO 45001 Management system for the working environment

·       The world's first ISO standard for working environment.

·       The purpose of ISO 45001 is to provide companies with a good tool for leading and managing their work environment and preventing and reducing work-related illness, injury, and death.

The benefits of certification according to ISO 45001

·       The company can document its achievements in the work environment. Several national and international companies require certification. An internationally accepted standard can provide an opportunity to compare companies' performance across national borders and national rules.

·       The company can demand that suppliers comply with the working environment standard.

ISO 27001 - Information Security Certification (ongoing)

·       ISO / IEC 27001 is the world's most recognized standard for information security. The bar has a holistic approach to IT security and describes best practices for protecting your data.

·       An ISO 27001 certification shows that you take sensitive customer data and confidential information seriously and is a confirmation from an independent, competent, and accredited body that the company complies with the requirements of an internationally recognized standard for information security.

The benefits of certification according to ISO 27001

·       Improving information security through certification can reduce the risk of sensitive personal information or confidential and business-critical information going astray.

·       Avoid fines, lost revenue or lost reputation due to insufficient information security.

·       It can improve your market position, and your organization appears credible in information security to your customers and partners.



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Successful capital raise for Hyperthermics AS